Sunday, September 26, 2010

HIV-AIDS : Everyone's Nightmare

by Fadhila Eka Ratnasari

Lately, everyone has already known that some deadly diseases can be such a complicated problem for the world. A disease is stated as a deadly disease if it is threatening for human life and if it is hardly to cure. Most of the people argue that the most deadly disease of this century is HIV-AIDS, which has several unexpected ways to contaminate people. It is true that HIV-AIDS was first found in Africa, but the disease had incredibly spread to every country and continent. We are living in an international society and HIV-AIDS has become the first international epidemic, easily crossing oceans and seas, attacking many countries, and killing millions people all around the world. There is no idea how to protect ourselves against HIV-AIDS. Though the disease can not be totally cured, fortunately, many scientists have conducted some researches and have found some treatments and medications in attempt to stop the spread of HIV-AIDS and also to slow down the course of the disease. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that HIV-AIDS has been a global problem which should be treated seriously soon.

Furthermore, HIV-AIDS is stated as a deadly disease since it has several unexpected ways to contaminate people. AIDS virus, which defined by scientists as HIV, is commonly found in body fluid, such as blood and sperm. Usually, HIV-AIDS contaminates others by body fluid exchange. First of all, the most common way for HIV contamination is by sexual intercourse. The second way for HIV contamination is by blood transfusion. Once HIV-AIDS is widespread in blood cells, it will easily defeat human body resistance. Nowadays, HIV contamination by blood transfusion has been prevented by screening method. This method works by checking whether some blood cell consist of HIV-AIDS or not. The third way for HIV contamination is by sharing injection needle. Drug abuser is often share injection needle they use. They do not even know that injection needle can be such a medium for HIV-AIDS contamination. But, fortunately, our government has already made a regulation for the drug abuser to register their selves so that they will get some free injection needle each month. Another way for HIV contamination is breastfeeding. A mother with positive HIV-AIDS is not suggested to give breastfeeding, so that she will not transmit the HIV-AIDS to her infant.

Though HIV-AIDS has commonly known as a human disease, actually, the long history of HIV-AIDS development had proven that the disease was first found in a chimpanzee. Then the virus surprisingly crossed to human species. The first case of HIV-AIDS in human being was first found in plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in Congo, Africa. The next year, another AIDS case was found in a lymph node sample from an adult female, also in the same country. In 1969, AIDS case was first found in America. In 1976, AIDS was also found in Norway. In early 1980s, when another AIDS case was found in USA, some scientists had finally found the origin of HIV-AIDS. In 2000, another research had conducted about the origin of HIV-AIDS. They found that HIV infection, for real, first occurred in West Africa in around 1931. A newest study in 2008 found that HIV infection first occurred in around 1884 to 1924, much earlier than the previous statement. From now on, HIV-AIDS has become a global epidemic and has contaminated people all around the world.

As a global endemic, it s true that HIV-AIDS is everyone’s nightmare since there is no acknowledged cure for its infection. But, fortunately, some scientists have found some intensive treatments and medications to slow down the course of the disease. The first one is NRTI or Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor, which can inhibit he virus ability from multiplying. The second one is PI or Protease Inhibitor. This medication can interrupt virus replication at a later step; prevent the HIV-AIDS virus from producing new virus. The third one, Fusion and Entry Inhibitor, is a new agent that keeps HIV-AIDS from entering human cells. This medication is usually given in the same time with Integrate Inhibitor, which can stop HIV-AIDS from becoming incorporated into human cells’ DNA. Then, for some couple with HIV-AIDS who wants to have a sexual intercourse, they are better to take a viral load treatment to count the number of HIV-AIDS virus in their body. This treatment is important for them to decide whether it is safe or not for them to have a sexual intercourse, and also to make sure that the virus is not in an enough number to contaminate their sexual intercourse partner. For some mother who wants to give breastfeeding, it is also important to take a viral load treatment so that they can prevent HIV-AIDS contamination to their infant. Besides those medications that given in early stage of HIV-AIDS infection, here are some treatments for the later stage. The first one is HAART or Highly Active Anti Retroviral Treatment, which can substantially reduce HI-related complication. For those who have already been in third stage of HIV-AIDS infection, they are supposed to take ARV or Anti Retro Virus treatment to increase the number of HIV AIDS virus in their body. Overall, even there is no idea to totally cure the HIV AIDS infection, people with positive HIV-AIDS can decrease their painful suffering by taking those treatments and medications intensively.

Nowadays, people are afraid of HIV-AIDS which has widespread all around the world. HIV-AIDS has been everyone’s nightmare since its contamination is unexpected and can not be totally cured. Moreover, some scientists have conducted some researches to settle the HIV-AIDS problem. Though they have found some treatments and medications that can slow down the HIV-AIDS infection, we still have to be aware of this disease.


  1. "HIV-AIDS has become the first international epidemic, easily crossing oceans and seas, attacking many countries, and killing millions people all around the world."

    is it parallelism? the first verb is v-3, but why the second and third verbs use v-ing?

  2. Dear Dhila,
    you have to read my feedback and also your friends' feedback. There are always things that we do not know until someone lets us know.

    Practice makes perfect!
    So....practice a lot!

  3. Great Dilla!
    you must have learned well about grammar :), oh what can make me happier :))

    I'm just wondering what if you stated the main topic for each paragraph more clearly, instead of in such sophisticated words that disguise the actual parallelism, beause I'm still learning and it's so hard for me to decide which sentence represents which main topic that I read them at least 6 or 7 times.

    But overall, it is great!
